Quibi continues to ramp up its original programming with Crazy Talented, a superhero tale with a twist directed by Doug Liman and produced by his company 30 Ninjas.
Here’s the logline: The world’s most powerful superheroes are trying to stop the world’s most devastating threat — alien weapons falling into the wrong hands and obliterating life as we know it. At least that’s what they’ve been told. Patients in a psych ward are convinced by a charismatic leader that their defects actually are extraordinary “talents.” He’s clearly out of his mind. But just because it’s crazy doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
Michael Karnow (Alphas) writes Crazy Talented based on a short story by Jumper creator Steve Gould, whose novel Jumper became a 2008 film that Liman directed. Julia Tatlock and Jed Weintrob of 30 Ninjas are the executive producers.
Liman’s directing credits range from the 2010s Tom Cruise pics American Made and Edge of Tomorrow back to The Bourne Identity and Swingers.
It’s the second project in as many days for Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman’s shortform outlet for 30 Ninjas, which also is exec producing Don’t Look Deeper, directed by Catherine Hardwicke and created by Jeffrey Leiber.
Quibi has been on a content tear this week. Along with Don’t Look Deeper, it has announced a Varsity Blues revival, the female-wrestling docuseries Fight Like a Girl, Darren Criss musical comedy Royalties, Peter Farrelly comedy The Now and drama series The Fugitive.
Source: Deadline