Project Dead Zone
The First Live Action Horror Film Directed by Twitter
Xfinity, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Twitter, Media.Monks
- Development
- Livestream
- Live-Action Production
- Game Development
- Narrative Design
- Game Design
- Creative Direction
- Executive Producers
- Experiential
- Production Services
Collaborating with GS&P and MediaMonks, 30 Ninjas played a key role in showcasing Comcast's unique mesh Wi-Fi network in the Winchester Mystery House, the largest haunted mansion in the US. Through a live-streamed event at the mansion, a team of paranormal investigators delved into the mysterious occurrences causing a spike in paranormal sightings. With a live Twitter audience actively participating, the investigators navigated through the mansion's doors and passageways in real time, creating an engaging and immersive experience.