A Journey Back: VR Experience

A Journey Back: VR Experience

Award-Winning VR Exhibition for Illinois Holocaust Museum


Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, Gallagher & Associates


  • Immersive Video Production
  • Post-Production
  • XR: MR / VR / AR / Spatial Computing

Two immersive VR films and museum installations, accepted to the 2021 SXSW Film Festival for its world premiere, Jury Award Winner at Nashville Film Festival, official selection for Games for Change XR Summit, Taipei Film Festival, ARTS X SDGS Festival, FilmGate Interactive Festival, North Dakota Human Rights Film Festival, Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, A Promise Kept combines storytelling and cutting edge VR technology that allows audiences’ to journey back with Holocaust Survivor Fritzie Fritzshall to the grounds of her grandparent’s home, to the arrival ramp, crematorium, barracks, and latrines of Auschwitz.